Free Upgrade for Grand Theft Auto V on PC Now Available :
Free Upgrade for Grand Theft Auto V on PC Now Available - Rockstar GamesThe upgrade for Grand Theft Auto V on PC is now available to play from the Rockstar Games Launcher, and also via Steam or Epic Games.www.rockstargames.com
Kādi ir pirmie iespaidi? Man personīgi ļoti patīk!
Neesmu vēl slēdzis, bet:
Pirms es nopirku Cyberpunk 2077 arī bija šādi komentāri, bet kad nopirku pirmajā izlaišanas dienā un sāku spēlēt, es nesapratu kur ir viss tas prikols par ko visi dirš tajos komentāros, man spēle likās interesanta un aizraujoša. Man drīzāk šķita ka tā ir vairāk tāda nomelnošanas kampaņa vai arī gaumes lieta , tas arī viss. Es nepaļaujos uz citu spriedelējumiem kamēr pats šo spēli neesmu uzspēlējis, un lielākoties viņu negatīvie komentāri man ir tukša skaņa bez satura.

@irshuks protams, pašam pārbaudīt ir viss pareizāk 👍 man ar CP2077 uz PS5 gan nav laba pieredze ar relīzes dienas versiju 😅 Lai arī cik stāsti spēles mēdz būt labi un aizraujoši, grūti tos izbaudīt ar game-breaking bugiem, pēkšņām nāvēm,, NPC zābakiem (itsevišķi questu laikā) utt, protams var pievērt acis uz tiem, un protams var izlikties ka tādu nav, jo katram tā pieredze var būt nedaudz savādāka.

Es paspēlēju stalker 2 likās sūds salīdzinoši ar og daļām. Bugus īsti nesatiku 2h pa spēlējot bet to ka spamots tiek tik Bloodsucker reāli 1 vieta man viņus 10 vienu pēc otra spawn. Vienīgai problēma ko sastapu ka spēle rss nejēdz patērēt jo paņēma man tik 2 Core un ja daudz npc apkārt var būt smags fps drops.
Cerams ka ubisoft neko nesačakarēs S.T.A.L.K.E.R.2., jo visas spēles kam viņi pieķerās lēnām mirst

Man jau liekas, ka viņi visādi mēģina turēt vēl vismaz Divison frančīzi pie dzīvības ar šitādiem collabs/update. Par cik līdz The Division 3 vēl kāds laiks jāgaida, tad varbūt kāda šāda minimum effort aktivitāte piesaistīs uzmanību no spēlētājiem. Neiedziļinājos rakstā, bet pieņemu ka tā jauna frankcija, vai vnk skini operatoram.
Massive Entertainment līdz ar #star-wars-outlaws pabeigšanu var ķerties cept jaunu divīziju. Atceros kad iznāca The Divison, spēle bija visa haipa vērta, NY vide ziemā, gameplay, viss bija bomba, viena no manām top spēlēm.

Tiem kam patīk C&C spēles, varētu patikt arī šī spēle. Ir iespējams novilkt demo versiju pagaidām, bet ieskats ir pozitīvs!
For free:
Offer ends on: 04/04/2024 09:59 EEST

Līdz nākamai ceturtdienai pieejams:
Skull and Bones Open Beta , try the game for free from february 8 to 11
Enjoy !

Kopumā laba iniciatīva no Ubikiem ar open betu tieši pirms spēles relīzes + progress pārnesās tiem, kas spēli pirks, un citi labumi bonusā.
Pašam Open Beta jau stāv gatavībā, tagad tikai laiks jāatrod :)
NEWS POSTED Tue, January 16 S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl — Final Release Date Announcement The final preparations for the trip to the Zone need to be done. The game will be released on September 5, 2024. Dear stalkers,
Last year, during Gamescom 2023, we finally had the chance to meet in person. We gathered around the campfire with you to share something valuable that we have been creating for you for all these years — a small part of S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl. Publicly, for the first time ever.
Our one-time initiative then transformed into a journey from campfire to campfire across France, Brazil, Singapore and other countries. Thousands of players were able to play the game themselves and give us the much-needed feedback afterwards.
And as true friends always do, you shared your honest thoughts about the game. Both positive and negative, and we are thankful for that. From your insights, we figured out two key points: the one to celebrate and the one to consider seriously.
The first one: the Zone remains the Zone. In its true beauty and after our likeness. The game absolutely feels and plays like S.T.A.L.K.E.R, the atmosphere, hardcore style, harsh and unwelcoming environment are ready to cook, and we can’t be more grateful for these words, as they basically sum up both the key intention and the main inspiration for the project from the very beginning at the same time.
The second one was: the gear in the backpack should be checked one more time to be completely sure it will not fail us in the most needed moment. On the technical side of things — the game needs more time.
Throughout the frankly challenging development process, we understood the time was of the team's main essence. Seeing the scope of polishing and understanding that we can’t push your patience too much, we were absolutely dedicated to releasing the game in Q1 2024, and we worked extra hard to meet the release window.
That, however, doesn’t change the fact that at the beginning of this year, we still witnessed the certain amount of technical imperfections that hold S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2 below the expected standards for the final experience our fans are waiting for.
While there is absolutely no way to make another delay sound less dim, we decided to be clear about our reasons to postpone the game for the sake of yet another wave of polishing.
The final release date for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl is now September 5, 2024.
We know that you are waiting for this moment, as well as we do. But the preparation needs to be done so that the journey into the Zone goes smoothly and as planned. Thanks for your patience and continuous support, and be ready to see a lot of info about the game further this year.
Pārcels atkal kā jau to izdarīja 5 reizes :D
@djkikisa cerība mirst pēdējā :D
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